Do you have red dots on skin? Then you should be worried!
Red dots on skin should not be a health problem unless they cause us discomfort. In the latter case, we need to consult a specialist. They are usually called “ruby spots” because they appear suddenly and never disappear.
To be clear, red dots are angiomas and are generally associated with aging skin. However, although most are benign, it is important to have them checked regularly.
So what are the causes of the appearance of red dots?
The Sun. Overexposure to the sun without sunscreen can be a risk factor because the sun is the main cause of skin aging. This is known as photo aging.
Excess toxins. If a lot of red spots suddenly appear, it may be due to a buildup of toxins in the body and on the skin.
Hormonal changes. These are related to pregnancy and are nothing to worry about unless they bother you or you start bleeding.
Red dots on the skin or red spots
Red dots on the skin usually appear most frequently between the ages of 40 and 45. They tend to attract a lot of attention because of their hue. So much so that many people believe they are unsightly and prefer to resort to professional surgery to remove them.
Red dots on the skin are small dilations of capillaries due to defects in the vascular system. They usually appear in the area of the arms and chest.
- Specialists explain that it is usually something very similar to varicose veins.
- Experts also associate them with liver problems, i.e. minor liver disorders caused by poor nutrition and accumulation of toxins in the intestines and liver.
- However, it is necessary to specify the following: they are benign cancers. They are simple accumulations of melanocytic cells, which, unlike skin moles, are usually not malignant.
The red spots or red dots on the skin can be classified in the following ways:
- Cuperosis is manifested by dilations of small capillaries. They appear due to temperature changes or even during pregnancy. The good thing is that they are reversible, disappearing with time.
- Hemangiomas are the classic birthmarks that many of us have. They can have a reddish hue or a more violet color. They are small capillary malformations that almost always appear on the trunk or face of children.
Should I worry about red dots on the skin?
Let us insist, once again, that red spots or red dots on the skin are not cancers. These are benign cancers, but need to be checked for from time to time. Therefore, if you have signs of these blemishes, consider the following:
- Be careful that large amounts of red dots do not appear in a specific area.
- Red spots on the skin should not bother us. That is, if they hurt, sting or bother you, consult your doctor.
- Also, red spots or red dots on the skin should not bleed. If they bleed just by touching them, see your dermatologist.
- Also observe the shade and shape. If at any time this red color turns dark or if its edges become rough or irregular, talk to a specialist.
How can I eliminate red dots on my skin?
Although they usually have no risk to our health, there are those who see these small dots as something unsightly whenever you want to wear a low-cut top or tank tops.
It is important to note that we should never try to eliminate them at home using natural methods. Although there are harmless solutions, others can be dangerous.
Red spots on the skin can measure between 6 or 7 millimeters, are capillaries, and, therefore, we should never try to extract them. Dermatologists will always be the ones to explain the options available to remove them.
Usually, a laser or an electric scalpel or electrofulgurador is used that burns the red dot. In this way, they will never appear again. It is a safe technique.
Treatment and prevention
Experts tell us that the best way to prevent the appearance of red spots and soften their appearance is to cleanse the intestines and help strengthen the liver. You can drink dandelion infusion once a day, which is very purifying.
Try to drink at least two liters of water a day and consume lots of fresh vegetables, including juices. It is very helpful to eat carrots, artichokes and celery. You can also start the morning with a glass of lemon juice. Spirulina algae, for example, is perfect for absorbing toxins in the intestines. It may also be helpful to add avocados and olive oil to your diet, and to replace dairy products with plant-based ones.